Invitation to Bid
Milford Community Cemetery, Inc.
Invitation to Bid
Grass Cutting Services for 2025 Mowing Season
PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Milford Community Cemetery Board of
Directors will accept Bids from contractors for the purpose of providing Grass Cutting Services for
the 2025 Mowing Season until 3:00 PM local time on February 28, 2025 at which time sealed proposals
will be publicly opened and read.
Interested firms shall submit three (3) copies of their submittals to:
Milford Parks and Recreation Department Attn: Brad Dennehy
207 Franklin Street
Milford, DE 19963
Envelopes shall be marked “ITB: CEMETERY GRASS CUTTING”. Envelopes can either be
mailed or hand delivered to the Parks and Recreation office. Any submittals received after the
stated time will be returned unopened.
Following receipt of the proposals, the Board of Directors will select the company it deems most
qualified to address the needs and conditions of this project and whose proposal is most
advantageous to the Cemetery. The Board reserves the right to request an interview prior to the
selection of the firm. The Board reserves the right to award a contract/agreement that is in the
best interest of the Cemetery and may be awarded to multiple firms or none. The award will be made
by the Board of Directors at a Milford Community Cemetery meeting open to the public. The Board may
accept or reject any or all proposals or hold all proposals for a period of thirty
(30) days from the date of proposal opening prior to deciding.